Photo by Anjie Cho Architect PLLC
How does a feng shui consultation work?
In last week’s Q&A Sunday, I shared how I prepare for a feng shui consultation, which is a really important part of the process. As I shared last week, my preparation helps me to be a conduit for what my client needs during our time together. Today, I’m going to talk about what the actual consultation looks like.
During a feng shui consultation, I spend a lot of time listening to my client, and what it is they want to work on. I’ll ask very targeted, focused questions that help me determine what it is we can adjust in their home. I also might bring up questions I noticed in the feng shui. For example, if I noticed something about the location of their bedroom, that might guide me to ask certain questions. Or, if someone wants to work on their relationship, I might take a really deep look at what’s happening in the relationship area of the home and bedroom, as well as some other specific factors, and see what stands out.
Instead of going through a checklist, I let things arise during a consultation based on what the client needs, and then I listen. Next, we walk through the home, either in person or virtually. We might look at pictures, or we can go through the floor plan. It depends on the situation. Then I give recommendations and adjustments, answer questions, and transmit any personal qi adjustments or meditations that they should work on. Typically, if I have time at the end of a two-hour consultation, I close with some kind of space clearing or blessing.
There might be other things that come up in your space depending on the skill set of your consultant. For example, somebody asked me about where to put a bathroom when renovating a home. In general, a feng shui consultant might have suggestions about ideal locations for the bathroom, however they may not have the knowledge of other things that need to be considered, like the sizes of things or location of the plumbing. If you do need this kind of expertise, or if you need help decorating and picking paint colors, look for a consultant with those skill sets. Some of our Mindful Design graduates are designers or architects in addition to feng shui experts.
Even if you’re not renovating or redecorating, a feng shui consultant can still help you in your space, because feng shui is really energy work. A feng shui consultant will help you work with what you have, and also see what comes up that might need to be addressed. Sometimes, a very small and simple tweak can make a lot of changes in your home.
I hope that creates some clarity around what a feng shui consultation is actually like! If you’re curious and want to experience a consultation, I have many skilled graduates all over the world with different backgrounds who are available for feng shui consultations. I also offer a few discounted consultations each year that my students audit - if you’re interested in hearing about those when they are available, make sure you’re on my mailing list!
If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: