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How do I create positive thoughts?
Balbir G.
Hi Balbir,
This is an interesting question. Since I’m coming from a feng shui perspective, I’ll talk about cultivating positive thoughts in terms of feng shui. My beliefs and my heart would lead me to suggest that the best way to create positive thoughts is to start a meditation practice. There are a few ways to look at this through the lens of feng shui. I’ll talk about two ways that feng shui can help you start a meditation practice.
First, you can activate the gen area of the bagua, which is related to self-cultivation, self-knowledge, and skillfulness. It’s the dark blue area on the bagua map. There are many ways to activate this area of the bagua; a few ways are to add dark blue, add a plant, ring bells, or declutter this area. If you’re not happy with the way your life is going, it may be time to reflect and get to know yourself better, so this area of the bagua can be a helpful one to focus on.
The other area you can work on is zhen, the green area of the bagua map, which is related to new beginnings and family. This is a good area to activate if you want to start something new, whether it’s a meditation practice, or a shift in perspective. This area is related to the colors green and blue, so you can incorporate those colors into your home or your wardrobe. You can also add the wood element, in the form of plants or column shapes in your home. Similarly to the self-knowledge area, you can also activate the new beginnings area by giving it some extra attention; try decluttering or spending more time there.
It’s always important to do these things intentionally. Know that the physical change you’re making in your home is a mirror for what will happen on the inside. That’s a key factor in feng shui; the inside and outside are interdependent, and they work together.
If you have any questions about how to lay the bagua on your home, check out our posts about the bagua map or sign up for Mindful Design’s next Practical Feng Shui class.
Thank you for your question, I hope that helps!
by Anjie Cho
Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday". We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui questions!
If you’d like to learn more about feng shui check out the Mindful Design Feng Shui certification program. Laura Morris and I launched our program in September 2018. To get on the list about it, sign up at:
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