Do You Believe In Ghosts? Here's What Spirituality Experts Have To Say About Them

Photo by Tanya Trofymchuk on Unsplash

Anjie Cho was featured on mindbodygreen

The idea that ghosts could be among us has fascinated, perplexed, and of course, spooked people for generations. We asked around to get the history of ghosts, whether there's any evidence they actually exist, and more—here's what to know.

What does the term "ghost" really mean?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a ghost is defined as an "apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image." Across different cultures, there are also more nuanced explanations for what ghosts really are.

Feng shui expert Anjie Cho adds, "From a feng shui perspective, we have this perspective of nonduality, so something is not necessarily good or bad."

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