Q&A Sunday: Making Space for a Baby, But What About Storage?

In your post about pregnancy and feng shui, you mention making space as much as possible, but her closet is storage for our home too. Thoughts on how to handle?

Laurie E., Los Angeles, CA

Hi Laurie,

Thanks for reading our Q&A about pregnancy.

I actually do not suggest making as much space as possible in this post, nor would I necessarily recommend that. But maybe you read this post, where I suggest creating a space for a baby to come into your home. You don’t want it to be so full that there’s no room for the new little person.

However, it sounds like your situation is a little different. You do have a room for your baby, but you happen to have a storage closet in that room. Functionality is very important too when it comes to feng shui, as with most things in life. If that’s the storage closet and you have no other space for it, that’s totally okay. What you can do is make sure the closet is organized and what you do have stored there is necessary and in good condition. You can also use functional furniture that serves as storage as well!

I would also consider what sorts of things you have stored in the baby’s closet. Obviously things like knives and guns are not appropriate. If possible, store baby-related and soft things like pillows and linens. Do the best that you can and move things around if necessary. Just try to store objects with good energy around your new baby.

It would be wonderful if we could have completely separate spaces for each person in a home, but realistically that doesn't always happen. In this case, it seems you've definitely taken the time and intention to make some space for your new family member, so as long as you maintain a good, positive energy in her room, your feng shui should be fine. :)

by Anjie Cho

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