The Healing Powers of Crystals and Gemstones

my Super 7 pendant

my Super 7 pendant

I met Rosie Stars, from Super 7 Healers a few years ago at the Awaken Fair in NYC. Rosie creates beautiful jewelry with beautiful and healing crystals and gemstones.

I purchased a "Super 7" pendant that activates all seven chakras. It "facilitates spiritual growth on all levels of being, gives access to subconscious mind to remember one’s purpose & how to live it. Contains all 7 mineral characteristics in every stone whether they are visible or not and synergistically creates a higher frequency that heals". And I wear it everyday. The results have been amazing, and it's gorgeous.

Rosie was kind enough to let me interview her about the healing properties of crystals and gemstones.

AC: Please tell us about the healing properties of gemstones, minerals and crystals.

RS: Every stone has different healing properties based on its origination, mineral content and color. Most stones can be used to balance specific chakras based on color, or you can wear stones that are effective on all chakras. For instance, a stone like Larimar is a rare, beautiful blue which looks like water in the Caribbean. It was created through volcanic activity when the island of the Dominican Republic was formed, making it a water AND fire stone. Because of this, it is a great stone to balance hot flashes and swings of emotion. It helps us speak our truth without being overly emotional as it is a throat chakra stone. It's very good for all women and especially great for managers, lawyers, mothers, anyone hitting their 40-50's to wear!

What are your favorite gemstones, their properties, and why are they your favorites?

I don't have a favorite. I consider stones more like sacred tools, medicine or helpers - so I honor them all. But I personally need to work with certain stones 24/7. Sugilite is a rare purple "violet flame" stone from South Africa that I must wear as it helps shield me from other peoples energy. I pick up other people's pain/negativity otherwise. It works with the 6th through 14th chakras so it is very protective and purifying from negative energies and disharmony. I wear a choker and ring on my receiving hand at all times. I also have a bracelet of covellite on my right (sending) hand. It is a stone that is sensitive to the changing energy patterns of the Earth...and it alters its vibration to stay in harmony. I don't know if you are familiar with String Theory or Quantum Physics but I'm very conscious of my emotions and the vibes I am putting out and receiving. I only want to create positive experience these days, so I wear Covellite on my sending hand to make sure I only send balanced energy out to the world.

Sugilite image via Crystal Cure

Sugilite image via Crystal Cure

Covellite image via Cochise College

Covellite image via Cochise College

I love your tagline "to heal the earth heal your self". Tell us more about that!

Metaphysically we are all connected. Our vibration/energy affects every aspect of our experience. People have a tendency to see "saving/healing the world" as an external process that one has to go out and physically do, when in reality every thought and emotion (e-motion = energy in motion) is what we are sending out into the world. The vibration or frequency of those thoughts and e-motions then attracts a similar frequency/vibration. If we watch movies or TV, we are bombarded with fear mongering, anger, greed, resentment so THAT energy is what we internalize, which shows up on the planet as dolphins being killed en mass, the tar sands, terrorism, war, etc. If each one of us raises our energy/vibration and sees the people around us with love and appreciation, we then send out that energy to attract our life experience. Every person we encounter then gets the benefit of our positive energy and that energy exponentially goes out to affect others around the world. It all starts with us. Very simple...but not easy! 

Thank you so much for all your knowledge, Rosie! And for creating the amazing piece of jewelry I am wearing right now!

by Anjie Cho

Super 7, Sacred 7, Melody’s Stone

Super 7, Sacred 7, Melody’s Stone

Rosie Stars of Super 7 Healers is an ordained Metaphysical Minister with Metaphysical Universal Ministries. She studied Life Coaching at Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development with Iyanla Vansant and is an certified instructor/practitioner of Quantum Touch (an energy healing process similar to Reiki.) Rosie has been working with stone energies for a couple of decades and is now in the process of developing a workshop to help people understand how our thoughts, emotions and thus our vibrations create our lives and experience (including serious illness), how to use stones to shift our vibrations and other simple techniques that make healing our selves less of a mystery.  

Contact her at:

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui check out the Mindful Design Feng Shui certification program. Laura Morris and I are launching our program in September 2018. We have a free webinar “Five Feng Shui Tools Revealed: Must-Do Business Boosters for Soulpreneurs and Wellness Practitioners” coming up, too! To get on the list about it, sign up at:

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish.

Welcome the Summer Solstice with Feng Shui

Photo by James Douglas on Unsplash

Happy Summer Solstice! Tomorrow is the first day of summer, finally!

What is the summer solstice? A solstice is one of two points at which the path of the sun is either the furthest north or the furthest south it can be during the Earth’s rotation around it. As a solstice causes a change in the amount of daylight we see on Earth, both solstices (summer and winter) are associated with the beginning of a new season, respectively, in the top half of the planet.

During the summer solstice, the sun travels its longest path through our sky all year, which results not only in longer daylight hours, but also warmer weather in our hemisphere due to the direct angle of the sun’s rays. Thus, the name “summer solstice.” Every year, the summer solstice falls on June 21, and its effects will last until mid-September, when we experience the autumnal equinox, thus beginning fall.

What does this mean in terms of feng shui? This means that we are shifting from wood yang energy into a time of more explosive yang fire energy. We will naturally hold more heat in our bodies and be more active. At this time it’s helpful to balance the hot yang energy of fire with cooling water or earth energies. You could add cooler blues, greens, pinks and grays into your home accents and fashion choices. Also take care to eat cooling, raw foods such as melons and salads.

I also just put away my winter clothing and made way for summer clothes. When going through your clothes, make sure to take time and see what items still work for you. If it has not been worn in three years it is time to donate that piece of clothing. If there is a piece that needs mending, make a decision to get it repaired or let it go. Finally, if it does not fit… again, it is time to let it go.

This is my favorite time of year! Be sure to enjoy it! 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at:

Q&A Sunday: Five Common Feng Shui Mistakes

What are five common mistakes people make with feng shui?

Jacqueline R., Cleveland, OH

1.  There are mistakes in feng shui! 

I would not necessarily call these mistakes, but rather misinterpretations of feng shui. And sometimes the misinterpretations lead you to what you really needed! My point is: everything you do is right and correct if you do it with the best intentions. But this is a great question, because I always like to share with my clients the meaning and reason for the feng shui concept. If possible, we should strive to do things in the proper way. But mistakes happen and sometimes for a good reason!

2.  Feng shui is simply about moving furniture around

Feng shui is not just about moving furniture around! It’s about creating harmony in our lives by unifying our inner and outer environments. The inner and outer are not separate, because everything that we do to our spaces – positive and negative – affects our daily experience. In BTB feng shui we incorporate many personal chi adjustments (meditations and rituals to change your personal energy), adjusting objects to your space (such as adding plants, mirrors, or crystals), in addition to re-arranging your furniture.

3.  Using items made out of wood for the wood element

The wood element is about new beginnings, family and kindness in feng shui. Sometimes people misinterpret wood as the dead material of wood, like a wood desk. But in fact, objects made of wood do not embody the wood element. To add wood element you can add green plants or objects that are green/teal or tall and expansive. Brown wood objects are actually earth element!

4.  Fountains flowing wealth away from the home

Fountains can be used as feng shui adjustments to bring more wealth into the home. The best way to do this is to position the fountain so that the water flows into the home, rather than right out the door. So just turn that fountain around.

5.  What direction your door faces is very important

In BTB feng shui, it is not critical if your door faces north, south, east or west. We look at the relationship of the space to the formal entry to the room, home or property. We call this the “mouth of chi,” where the energy comes into the space. There are other schools of feng shui that use the compass directions. The other schools are as valid and equal to BTB feng shui. But the feng shui I practice does not follow this particular discipline. We care more about where the energy enters the environment, and how to look at the flow of chi. 

by Anjie Cho

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!