Feng Shui Book Recommendations

featured this month on Marina V Design Studio 

I've been asked many times to recommend beginner books on Feng Shui. I certainly hope this post will be very useful for those who have reached out to me as well as the many who can benefit from reading this post in the future. I believe the first time this subject came up on air is on LuAnn Nigara's A Well-Designed Business podcast episode on Feng Shui & Interior Design. If you have not listened to it yet, I would love for you to take a listen. Luann's interviews are always great and I was honored to be one of her guests.

I had a few people contact me letting me know how much they enjoyed the podcast episode and wondering if I could recommend books for Feng Shui beginners. Hope you find a book or two that sparks your Feng Shui interest even more. Please note that recommended books have affiliate links.

On my reading list is a book by my colleague Anjie Cho that I have yet to read. Her book 108 Ways To Create Holistic Spaces looks beautiful and I look forward to reading it soon. 

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Q&A Sunday: Feng Shui for an Office with No Windows

What are some feng shui considerations for a psychotherapist’s office with no windows?

Erin H., Mountainview, CA

Hi Erin, 

Thank you for your question: what some feng shui considerations are for your office, since it has no windows. I think the answer for this question may be helpful to many people in windowless offices. 

It's ideal to have at least one window in any space, as having natural light and fresh air is vital to human beings. Everything living grows towards the light. When I work with my private architecture and feng shui clients, one of the main desires across the board is maximizing light. Light is so important, and without it, we can feel claustrophobic, suffer from health issues and even become depressed. As an architect, for any habitable space, there are actually light and air requirements. We need air circulation and light, and it's difficult if we don't have them both.

In feng shui, the windows represent the eyes of the inhabitants and can symbolize how we see the world around us. If it's not possible to change offices, I recommend including some artwork that feels like a window. This doesn't mean finding pictures of windows. Instead, look for images of landscapes or other settings where you're bringing the outdoors in. Hanging this kind of art on the wall can give the impression of having a window, even when there isn't physically one there. 

There are also seasonal affective disorder lamps, which simulate natural daylight, that may help. These can be used in any space, especially one without sufficient natural light, to counteract the negative effects of lack of sunlight. They are often recommended by therapists during the colder, darker seasons. In fact, as a psychotherapist, you may already be familiar with them!

Finally, you could also bring nature into your space with fresh flowers or green plants. It's true that most plants need natural sunlight to grow, but you can opt for a low-light plant or even add a fake plant to your space. If possible, aim for a real plant, as this can help out with indoor air quality as well. Fresh flowers are also an incredible way to bring in nature energy and connect you with the outdoors. Take a look at some of our posts on flowers for ideas on which blooms to select for your space!

by Anjie Cho

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!

The Feng Shui of Generosity

I recently learned a Tibetan phrase:

Len Tang Nammin La Rewa Mepa

which translates to “without hoping for response or results.” 

I found it particularly fitting to learn this phrase during the holiday season. This Tibetan phrase pertains to generosity without hoping for anything in return, including any sort of response or even any karmic retribution. I think sometimes we forget that true generosity has nothing to do with what we get back. Though we may be generous, we often still give expecting some result. For instance, we offer advice but are disappointed if recipient fails to respond to it. 

What does this have to do with feng shui? Feng shui is all about qi, or life force energy, and energy affects your karma. Everything we do and everything in the spaces around us carries qi that influences us. So this holiday season, I want to share a couple tips on how to use feng shui to enhance your generosity.

There is an area of the feng shui bagua map that relates to Benefactors. You'll find it in the bottom, right corner of the map. I’m very lucky to have helpful people who support me in my life, such as mentors, clients, family and friends. But since we’re talking about giving, how can we change to become benefactors to others? One feng shui technique involves cultivating this Benefactors area in your home or bedroom and adding a living green plant to symbolize growth and kindness towards others.

Another way to enhance your generosity is to become a benefactor to your home. What does this mean? It means being kind to your space. This can be as simple as acknowledging the home spirits with thanks for protecting you, listening to your home's needs (like fixing a broken door knob), or offering flowers or acts of service, such as keeping the space clean and sacred. 

Of course, even though it’s not about what you receive in return, true generosity does attract abundance and kindness. This holiday season, and even into the new year, use some feng shui to cultivate generosity, starting with your home, and see how it blooms in your outer life. You may be pleasantly surprised! 

by Anjie Cho