The Healing Powers of Crystals and Gemstones

my Super 7 pendant

my Super 7 pendant

I met Rosie Stars, from Super 7 Healers a few years ago at the Awaken Fair in NYC. Rosie creates beautiful jewelry with beautiful and healing crystals and gemstones.

I purchased a "Super 7" pendant that activates all seven chakras. It "facilitates spiritual growth on all levels of being, gives access to subconscious mind to remember one’s purpose & how to live it. Contains all 7 mineral characteristics in every stone whether they are visible or not and synergistically creates a higher frequency that heals". And I wear it everyday. The results have been amazing, and it's gorgeous.

Rosie was kind enough to let me interview her about the healing properties of crystals and gemstones.

AC: Please tell us about the healing properties of gemstones, minerals and crystals.

RS: Every stone has different healing properties based on its origination, mineral content and color. Most stones can be used to balance specific chakras based on color, or you can wear stones that are effective on all chakras. For instance, a stone like Larimar is a rare, beautiful blue which looks like water in the Caribbean. It was created through volcanic activity when the island of the Dominican Republic was formed, making it a water AND fire stone. Because of this, it is a great stone to balance hot flashes and swings of emotion. It helps us speak our truth without being overly emotional as it is a throat chakra stone. It's very good for all women and especially great for managers, lawyers, mothers, anyone hitting their 40-50's to wear!

What are your favorite gemstones, their properties, and why are they your favorites?

I don't have a favorite. I consider stones more like sacred tools, medicine or helpers - so I honor them all. But I personally need to work with certain stones 24/7. Sugilite is a rare purple "violet flame" stone from South Africa that I must wear as it helps shield me from other peoples energy. I pick up other people's pain/negativity otherwise. It works with the 6th through 14th chakras so it is very protective and purifying from negative energies and disharmony. I wear a choker and ring on my receiving hand at all times. I also have a bracelet of covellite on my right (sending) hand. It is a stone that is sensitive to the changing energy patterns of the Earth...and it alters its vibration to stay in harmony. I don't know if you are familiar with String Theory or Quantum Physics but I'm very conscious of my emotions and the vibes I am putting out and receiving. I only want to create positive experience these days, so I wear Covellite on my sending hand to make sure I only send balanced energy out to the world.

Sugilite image via Crystal Cure

Sugilite image via Crystal Cure

Covellite image via Cochise College

Covellite image via Cochise College

I love your tagline "to heal the earth heal your self". Tell us more about that!

Metaphysically we are all connected. Our vibration/energy affects every aspect of our experience. People have a tendency to see "saving/healing the world" as an external process that one has to go out and physically do, when in reality every thought and emotion (e-motion = energy in motion) is what we are sending out into the world. The vibration or frequency of those thoughts and e-motions then attracts a similar frequency/vibration. If we watch movies or TV, we are bombarded with fear mongering, anger, greed, resentment so THAT energy is what we internalize, which shows up on the planet as dolphins being killed en mass, the tar sands, terrorism, war, etc. If each one of us raises our energy/vibration and sees the people around us with love and appreciation, we then send out that energy to attract our life experience. Every person we encounter then gets the benefit of our positive energy and that energy exponentially goes out to affect others around the world. It all starts with us. Very simple...but not easy! 

Thank you so much for all your knowledge, Rosie! And for creating the amazing piece of jewelry I am wearing right now!

by Anjie Cho

Super 7, Sacred 7, Melody’s Stone

Super 7, Sacred 7, Melody’s Stone

Rosie Stars of Super 7 Healers is an ordained Metaphysical Minister with Metaphysical Universal Ministries. She studied Life Coaching at Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development with Iyanla Vansant and is an certified instructor/practitioner of Quantum Touch (an energy healing process similar to Reiki.) Rosie has been working with stone energies for a couple of decades and is now in the process of developing a workshop to help people understand how our thoughts, emotions and thus our vibrations create our lives and experience (including serious illness), how to use stones to shift our vibrations and other simple techniques that make healing our selves less of a mystery.  

Contact her at:

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui check out the Mindful Design Feng Shui certification program. Laura Morris and I are launching our program in September 2018. We have a free webinar “Five Feng Shui Tools Revealed: Must-Do Business Boosters for Soulpreneurs and Wellness Practitioners” coming up, too! To get on the list about it, sign up at:

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish.

Q&A Sunday: Numbers and Feng Shui

What is the significance of numbers in feng shui?

Jacqueline R., Cleveland, OH

A few years ago, I was honored to attend a sacred geometry lecture with Robert Lawlor, an anthropologist, mythographer, symbologist and author of several books. The symbolism of numbers goes hand in hand with sacred geometry as well as feng shui. Lawlor remarked sadly that because we have been taught that numbers merely denote quantities, our society has been robbed of a metaphorical language. He further argued that everything in the physical world has three aspects or dimensions, and therefore similarly everything (including numbers) represents symbols at three different levels, and with at least three methods of meaning.

I thought that was a brilliant and very relevant point. So to answer your question, I’ll present the meanings of the most significant feng shui numbers on three levels. In feng shui, each number 1 through 9 relates to a specific area of the feng shui bagua map.

ONE: Path in life, water and career

TWO: Relationships, yin earth and partnerships

THREE: New beginnings, yang wood and family

FOUR: Abundance, yin wood and wealth

FIVE: Health, earth and the center of your life/home

SIX: Benefactors, yang metal and travel

SEVEN: Completion, yin metal and joy

EIGHT: Knowledge, yang earth and self-cultivation

NINE: Recognition, fire and passion

Additionally, nine is the most auspicious number in BTB feng shui. It represents the most complete number. Many feng shui cures require repetitions of nine (such as repeating a ritual nine times, or using a string in increments of nine units). I also receive all my fees in a multiple of nine and in nine red envelopes. The number 108 is a multiple of nine and one of the most auspicious numbers in Buddhism. Malas, which are Buddhist prayer beads, have 108 beads, and many mantras are chanted 108 times.

Five is also auspicious as it represents the five elements or phases. The five elements are earth, metal, water, wood and fire. These elements are related to feng shui philosophy and the bagua map. They create balance and harmony when you have all five present in your environment.

Finally, pairs (or the number Two) are often used in bedrooms for couples. As I've indicated above, the number Two symbolizes a couple and can encourage a balanced and harmonious relationship. If you are looking for a partner, it's also favorable to have paired objects in the bedroom.

Numbers are symbolic metaphors and offer us unique and beneficial ways to look at our environment and the world around us.

by Anjie Cho

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!

Q&A Sunday: Symbology of the Six Pointed Star

I came across your site and it is beautiful. Really like the idea of incorporating feng shui and zen in your living space. I was searching the mandala site and saw the Ketu yantra, which got my attention. I noticed the center looks like a Jewish star. I wonder if that's your intention that it is actually a Jewish star - which I absolutely find appealing, as my husband is Jewish and I am Chinese. 

Emily B., Encino, CA

Hi Emily,

Thanks for your email, and I’m so glad you like the website and the Ketu yantra. A lot of people are drawn to this one. It’s very healing. It’s actually related to my Vedic destiny number, so it’s one of my mandalas that’s very personal to me.

Many of the yantras (like Ketu) have the six pointed star in the center, which is the same symbol as the Jewish Star of David. In Vedic symbology, this symbol is the combination two equilateral triangles. One is triangle is upward pointing (male, yang, fire), the other downward pointing (female, yin, water), and the overlap of the two create balance of these opposite energies, like the yin and yang symbol

I hope you find the use of these shapes as interesting as I do! Since I love sacred geometry and symbols, I really loved responding to this question. On a final note, my yantra teacher Mavis Gewant, describes geometric symbols in an interview I did with her

A yantra is a geometric pattern of energy specific to deities and planets. It has been said that they are the physical form of a deity, where mantra is the sound form. Yantras give a structure or pattern to energy. They are composed of geometric forms like squares and circles. Since all cultures have these kinds of shapes, they resonate in our DNA when we see them. Yantras are archetypal and universal.
— Mavis Gewant

PS: I am Korean (also Asian), and my husband is also Jewish! 

by Anjie Cho

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!

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