3 Tips to Feng Shui Your Office For Prosperity

featured last week on Two Classy Chics

The art of Feng Shui has been in practice for over 3000 years in the far east reaches of China.. Today, many in the western culture have also been embracing the theories of Feng Shui. I am sure you have heard of it and are probably asking – what is it, really.

According to Wikipedia,

Feng shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally translates as “wind-water” in English…. Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The feng shui practice discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of “invisible forces” that bind the universe, earth, and man together, known as qi.

The art of this system mainly deals with harmonizing and balancing your surroundings to keep the invisible forces around you flowing. This is not a religion nor is it based in a religion but rather a way of controlling the life forces in your home.

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by Anjie Cho

Holistic Spaces Store

eHow.com Video: Inspirational Wall Decor

Inspirational Wall Decor

Inspirational Wall Decor

Inspirational Wall Decor is Beneficial, Positive and Easy to D-I-Y

see more eHow.com videos here

Video Transcript:

I'm Anjie Cho, and this is how to create inspirational wall decor.

In feng shui, I often suggest that my clients place some inspirational wall decor above their desk or located as one of the first things that you would see when coming into your home. To create your own inspirational wall decor you'll need a few things: a picture frame, your computer, a printer and some unique paper that you like.

First things first, select an inspirational quote of words. I've selected this quote from the writer Joseph Campbell, "Follow Your Bliss". There are websites out there that can help you create a word cloud like this. You can search online for word cloud and find a website that will help you generate one just like this. Select a quote you love or meaningful words to have on your inspirational wall art. Words have great impact on this.

So use your computer, print out your quote of words, put it on a nice paper that you like, open up the back of the frame, pop in the art, use tape if you need to and then you've created your own inspirational wall art.

It's so beneficial and positive to spend the time to make your own inspirational wall decor. Not only will it be personal to you it will motivate you to improve your life.

by Anjie Cho

Crystals for your Holistic Space

Last week Rosie Stars of  Super 7 Healers shared the meanings and healing properties of crystals. This week we went room by room to place specific crystals and gemstones. 

AC: Do you have gemstones located in your home, office or studio and why?

RS: Aside from the stones I wear I always have Smoky Quartz and Black Tourmaline where I sleep. Either on the night stand or next to my head as they work like psychic vacuums helping to protect and clear any negative energy I may have picked up during the day. I have used these stones to clear whole houses of negativity, so I feel everyone should have some!

Do you have gemstones that you would recommend for specifics areas, such as bedrooms (rest), desk (focus), living-entertaining spaces and why?

Absolutely! Stones can really help keep people feeling balanced and protected in various situations. 

Bedrooms: Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Tourmalined Quartz. All should be next to the bed or headboard to aid sleep. And Rose Quartz is good to have at night as it calms the mind, releases worry, vibrationally supports the heart and helps us release emotional patterns that may be keeping us from reaching higher vibrations where we can experience higher energies and light. ALL of this while our bodies are sleeping!!! It gives our minds something to do instead of thinking/worrying!

Desk: Same as above to clear negativity, lower stress. Plus Amethyst is wonderful and similar to Sugilite in that it works with the higher chakras (6-14) but is cheaper and easier to find. If you do meetings or presentations find throat chakra stones: Larimar, Blue Lace Agate to help "speak your truth" or stand up for your self. If you are a lawyer or do any counseling where there is a lot of anger. Place a chunk of Tiger Eye in the room as it helps situations where people are at odds. It bridges extremes helping people get beyond concepts like right/wrong, good/bad bringing harmony to custody battles/divorce/hostile situations.

Living-Entertainment spaces: If you need a neutral space to decompress: green calcite (4th chakra/heart) for relaxation, emotional balance, release of stress. Wonderful for relationships and forgiveness, release of resentment.

If you want to bring joy and optimism to the space try green aventurine (4th chakra/heart) to bring hope and release attachments. It gently grounds and helps us move out of our heads and into our hearts...stimulates renewal on all levels.

If you have kids that are high energy or over active, use same stones as listed for bedrooms.

How would you recommend someone clear their gemstones, and why?

From a metaphysical perspective intention is enough to clear stones. You can focus the thought that you want to clear a stone of any energies that are not beneficial then blow on it or run it under water for a few seconds. It is more for our benefit that the "clearing" is done. I know there is a big deal made around clearing stones, but I find it is not the stone, but me who usually needs to be cleared. If a stone no longer feels like it is working for me I check in to see what I am feeling and then make sure it is the best stone for what I need to work on. I can always find a stone that then works.

by Anjie Cho

Rosie Stars of Super 7 Healers is an ordained Metaphysical Minister with Metaphysical Universal Ministries. She studied Life Coaching at Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development with Iyanla Vansant and is an certified instructor/practitioner of Quantum Touch (an energy healing process similar to Reiki.) Rosie has been working with stone energies for a couple of decades and is now in the process of developing a workshop to help people understand how our thoughts, emotions and thus our vibrations create our lives and experience (including serious illness), how to use stones to shift our vibrations and other simple techniques that make healing ourselves less of a mystery.