Q&A Sunday: Bed Linens for Peach Blossom Luck

Hi Anjie. I read the part in your book about using the color peach to attract a romantic partner. I’m moving into a new place in just a few days, and I’ve been on the lookout for peach colored sheets. The closest I can find is coral. Will that work, or do I need to keep hunting for peach and buy some cheaper ones in the meantime? Finally, will peach enhance self love, or just bring romantic love?

Shanna G., Austin, TX

Hi Shanna, thanks for reading my book! The idea with the peach is related to “peach blossom luck” in feng shui. Peach is an auspicious color for attracting a romantic partnership. If you want to use this color for this reason, you can paint your walls peach, wear peach, or even purchase peach-colored linens as you’ve asked about. (Or you can even do all three!)

Coral is more of a bright, sunny orange color. With peach blossom luck, we’re looking for a more flesh-like color, with more white in it. A good guide would be Benjamin Moore 2014-60 Whispering Peach, shown here.

I advise you to find the right color sheets and do not buy the coral ones. They will not be a suitable substitute. However, if you have trouble finding the right color sheets, you can try other things that I’ve suggested above: painting the walls, wearing peach, or even just adding peach accents to your bed, like the throw in the photo above.

I’d also like to answer your very thoughtful question about self-love and the color peach. Since peach is somewhere in between a very soft pink and orange, color-wise, pink is related to the Relationship area while orange is related to the Health area of the feng shui bagua map. The relationship area does cultivate self-love. Both the relationship and health areas also connect to the element of Earth which is about self-care and boundaries. So, I would say yes. Just by taking the time to activate a feng shui adjustment to support your desire to have a partner is a kindness to yourself, and you need self-love to attract the right partner.

Last thing to remember, once you find your relationship you can let the peach go. My teachers have noted if you keep using the peach you may attract other partners! And you only need one, right? :)

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui questions!

Welcome Home Honey! How to Feng Shui Your Decor for Love

featured on realtor.com by Jennifer Kelly Geddes

Feng shui, as you may have heard, teaches you how to arrange your home furnishings for maximum harmony. But there's another perk to this ancient Chinese philosophy: It can be harnessed to improve your relationships, too.

"Feng shui in your home affects how you connect in existing relationships, or—if you're single—your openness to meeting new potential partners," explains Anjie Cho, an architect, feng shui expert, and author of "Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home."

So if you're hoping for some more lovin' feelings in your future, here's how feng shui can help make that happen.

Open the bedroom

Arranging your bedroom is key, of course—and you can start as Cho has by moving your bed away from the walls. True, you may want your bed's headboard against one wall, but at least make sure both sides of the bed are clear so they are as open and accessible as possible.

"This simple shift opened up the space both emotionally and physically so I could invite a new partner into my life," Cho explains.

…read full article

Dive deeper into feng shui to transform your life!

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Create sacred spaces that support, and nourish.

visit us at mindfuldesignschool.com

Q&A Sunday: Self-Sabotaging Love

I'm not sure if there is a way to answer this question with feng shui, but it's worth a try! I am a single woman hoping to find lasting romance. I've done most of the suggested feng shui adjustments to welcome love into my life, and I find that I have no problem finding interested men, but I seem to self-sabotage with my anxiety. For the past year, I've noticed a pattern of becoming paranoid and distrustful of men I'm involved with, and that almost always leads to me pushing them away or running them off. Is there a feng shui adjustment that can help with this?

April S., Philadelphia, PA

Hi April,

Thank you for your question. I think there are probably a lot of people who feel the same way you do, so I’m glad you asked the question. It does sound like you have a good idea of what your personal issues are, that they revolve around anxiety and trust. This is definitely the toughest thing when it comes to love — being vulnerable. 

When clients approach me about love and relationships, I ask a series of questions that can best help me to determine what feng shui adjustments would be the most appropriate. You already answered some of these. Are you meeting people? Yes. Are you meeting people that you’re interested in and that are interested in you? Sounds like a yes. But is it really? It is also possible that you have not met anyone who is worthy of your trust as well. That you are simply not meeting the right people. But from your words, it sounds like the main issue is that you fear being vulnerable. 

The Career/Path in Life area of the feng shui bagua map is related to fear and water. There is a fear of opening your heart and being hurt. But if we never risk anything and stay safe, then there is no chance for love. Also, there’s also the importance of seeing the situation clearly, rather than what our conditioning colors. The first thing that comes to mind for clarity is for you to clean your windows. The windows symbolize your eyes. If you can’t see the reality of the situation, it’s easy to remain closed off, and you may miss opportunities. Once you can see things as they truly are, then you can trust your experience and know what to accept and what to reject. And then there is less fear.

The second part is related to Knowledge and Self-Cultivation. There is more you can do there. Work on the anxiety and trust issues. Where do they come from, and are they still useful? Feng shui is by no means a substitution for good mental health. So take care of yourself and ask for help. I used to also have a lot of anxiety, and meditation has really helped me. I also have mentors, teachers and community all around me to support me on this path. A simple exercise of writing an affirmation 27 times each day for 27 days while sitting in the center of your bed can activate the Health area, which impacts the entire bagua on your bed. I’m thinking something along the lines of “I am ready to open my heart and be vulnerable.” You can take the affirmations from each page, tuck them into a sealed red envelope and place them in the Relationship area of your bed (top right), under the mattress. 

Thank you for being willing to share and asking for insight on this. Remember that the mundane is just as important as the metaphysical, so please take care of yourself and take time for wellness. When you work with this and the suggested adjustments, you may find your heart opening to new experiences and opportunities.

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui check out the Mindful Design feng shui cerfication program. Laura Morris and I launched our program in September 2018. Check us out at www.mindfuldesignschool.com

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our a unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish.

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!