Q&A Sunday: Being Overlooked at Work

I find I get overlooked at work. Can you suggest a feng shui cure for this?

Giuliana G., Lille, France

Hi Giuliana

Thank you for your wonderful questions and support. I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling this way!

Nobody likes to feel overlooked, especially in the workplace. But you're in luck! There are many, many ways to approach this concern from the feng shui perspective. The fame and Recognition area is the feng shui bagua map area for you! I think this area came up for you before in a previous Q&A

But before we work on the fame and Recognition area, it's helpful for you to look more closely at why you are feeling overlooked. We can give clarity to a problem by looking at it more carefully in light of the other feng shui bagua areas. Who is doing the overlooking? Why is it happening? Are there ways to work with it? Can you gain more skills and knowledge? Is there a relationship that can be improved? Etc., etc.

I challenge you to really look closely at that. If this were a consultation, I would of course like to know much more about the situation.

Now getting back to the Recognition and fame area, this would be the best area to address feng shui-wise to receive more credit and acknowledgment. My intuition tells me it would be best for you to place a new green plant in the Recognition area of your desk at work, the same area of your desk at home and in the same area of your entire home. Use matching black pots with a red ribbon tied around the pot or plant. The plant adds Wood to feed the fire of Recognition. The color combination creates a powerful feng shui cure as Water (black pot) manifests the Wood (green plant) and culminates with Fire (red ribbon).

You can check out some of our posts on green plants and the Wood element for insight on what kind of plants to choose based on feng shui, indoor air quality and much more. Please keep us updated and feel free to share photos of your new green friends!

by Anjie Cho

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our a unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish. Visit us at mindfuldesignschool.com.

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!

Q&A Sunday: Feng Shui for a Space With Multiple Doorways

I've set up my home-office in the front dining room of my house. I have a few feng shui adjustments, but I'm unsure whether I need to use them and, if so, where to place them, as I have two doorways. Can you advise?

Nathan R., Queens, NY

Hi Nathan!

Thanks for sending your floor plan and for reading the blog! 

You may know that in feng shui, using your dining room table as a desk is not ideal. If you work from home, it's best to purchase a desk and create a separate space for your work, so that you can focus on work while you're there and give yourself space from work when you're off. 

That said, if the dining space is all you have, there are certainly adjustments that can help make this area work for you

Your question is regarding two doors in the dining room area. Two doors are okay, however when you sit at your "desk," you are in line with the doorway to the hallway. This is problematic because the qi from that door comes directly towards you. The relationship of where you sit to the kitchen doorway is fine.

Some options for being in the line of qi based on the hall doorway:

  • You can hang a feng shui crystal ball halfway between the doorway and where you sit. You can find these in the Holistic Spaces store. This will disperse the qi coming at you from the doorway. If there's already a crystal chandelier above the dining room table, this can be used as a substitution.

  • Another option is to move the dining table towards the window wall (left side of drawing) so you're not directly in line with the door. This way, you remain in commanding position in relationship to both doors.

Whatever adjustments you choose to make for your dining / office space, keep in mind that it's important to separate your work from your personal life. When you're finished working each day, take time to straighten your desk and say goodnight to your work. If you can, drape a scarf or piece of fabric over your workspace when you are not working. Out of sight, out of mind! This way you'll feel comfortable and relaxed at night, and wake to a desk that's in order and ready for work! 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui check out the Mindful Design Feng Shui certification program. Laura Morris and I launched our program in September 2018. To get on the list about it, sign up at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com.

Dive deeper into feng shui to transform your life!

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Create sacred spaces that support, and nourish.

Visit us at mindfuldesignschool.com

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!

Q&A Sunday: How Should I Lay Out My Therapy Office?

I’ve just been assigned my first office, see attached floor plan with the current furniture layout. Help! How would you recommend I lay out this office, keeping in mind that I’m a psychiatrist and see patients here?

Stephanie C., Washington D.C.

Stephanie's Original Office Layout

Stephanie's Original Office Layout

Hi Stephanie! 

Congrats on your new office! There are a few things to consider in laying out your office. Please see my suggested layout below.


Since this is your office, your desk is of the utmost importance, so we should try to locate it in the commanding position. Ideally, you would want it on the right back corner so that you’re not behind the swing of the door. However, I felt like the chairs in which you see patients are also important. The location on the left side is still OK. Because you’re in line with the door, you could place a feng shui crystal ball (available at the Holistic Spaces store here) in the line of qi, between the door and your desk.


I mentioned earlier that because you are a psychiatrist and see patients in this office, it’s also important that you and your patients feel comfortable in this space. This is why I placed the chairs on the right side so they are not in the line of qi (in line with the door). But with the desk still further back in the office, spatially you’re still in the authoritative position near the back of the space.

Stephanie's New Layout

Stephanie's New Layout


I put these in areas that you would easily be able to access and where there was room left. You could also consider that they’re located in the Knowledge and Relationship areas of the feng shui bagua map. In a sense, the books support your knowledge and skill to help your clients in their relationship with you and with the world.

Diplomas, Artwork, Plants

Diplomas above the desk area, placed in the Abundance area of the feng shui bagua map, support your wealth and self worth. The artwork can be placed so that both you and your patient have something lovely to look at while sitting in the chairs and at your desk. Plants all along the window sills can provide growth, support and kindness to support your prosperity, recognition and relationships.

Thanks again for this great question!

by Anjie Cho

Mindful Design is a new way to learn feng shui. Our a unique training program takes an holistic approach to learning the art of feng shui design. Mindful design is about becoming aware, and attentive, to the energy around you: both inner and outer qi. It is about promoting a better way of living and creating sacred spaces that support, and nourish. Visit us at mindfuldesignschool.com.

Thanks for reading our "Q&A Sunday".  We will be answering questions submitted by our readers. Click here to submit any Feng Shui or Green Design questions!